I cramped really badly at the start of this pregnancy, and now they cramping has returned. My doctor tells me they're braxton hicks contractions (practice contractions for those of you who haven't had kids) but they don't feel at all like I thought contractions would feel like. They feel like I'm about to get my period. They hurt and they're uncomfortable, and I never had these with my son.
Well usually they go away after an hour or two, especially if I eat, lay down, move around, or drink water (which signals that they aren't real contractions.) Yesterday I woke up with them, and all day long I had them. I tried everything the doctor had suggested, annnnnd nada, they wouldn't quit. I did not think I was in labor - it hurt but it was more of an uncomfortable pain. It sucked and made me really whiny, but it was more of a "I just want to lay in bed with a hot water bottle" pain. I called my doctor because she told me if I had more than 6 braxton hicks in an hour to call (and I dunno if I had more than 6, because it's not like they stop and start. I cramp for an hour and it stops.) but these had been all day and I thought she should know.
Of course, they want me to come into labor and delivery. They always want you to come in (actually, with Cayden, the one time they DIDN'T ask me to come in was when I should have been seen.) I didn't want to go but was afraid if I didn't go I'd be up all night wondering if the baby was OK. Again, I didn't think I was in labor, but wasn't sure why I was cramping so much. So, in I went.
Turns out, I am having contractions - they were being picked up on the monitor and everything, but they weren't dilating me, so they let me go home. Finally, last night right before I fell asleep, they went away. And I woke up without them, but now they're back. The doctor seems to think I might be in the beginning stages of labor - which sounds SUPER exciting, until she admitted that this could go on for weeks. I mean my friend Amy started having contractions early, and she still had to be induced. It's one thing if I could go through this and it was bringing me closer to my VBAC, but I may just be crampy and have to get cut open anyway.
So when my Mom asked me what they told me at the hospital, I told her "they diagnosed me with end of pregnancy sucks syndrome."
I thought it was pretty funny, and very true :-)
Oh that sucks! My sister went through this in March when she had my niece Maddison. She was in labor (but not active labor) for a week. She wasn't dilating at all. On top of that, the little alien (as she was nickname during the pregnancy) would occasionally flip over. She finally was induced on Mar 16, was able to dialate 5cm, then they ended up delivering via c-section in the early morning of Mar 17 (St patty's day lol) because her cervix somehow started closing up on her.