Sunday, June 13, 2010

Well, the results are in....

Sorry I didn't write yesterday, it was just... Not what I was expecting, and everything kind of went to hell. I know some of you think I complain a lot, so if you're sick of hearing me complain, here's where you should stop reading, because I'm at it again.

I had been looking forward to this ultrasound for weeks, and this last week especially time just drug on. I felt like it was NEVER going to get here. I had trouble sleeping Friday night, even though I was tired, because I was so excited.

I had originally wanted to go out to lunch before the ultrasound, but my Mom preferred we wait till after. So the plan was, ultrasound, lunch, Cayden takes a nap, and then we do some shopping to pick up some new clothes for the baby.

Well. Friday night we get a phone call from Mary Anne (my MIL) George (my FIL) is sick. But, he's still going to come. Honestly I was a little pissed. For one, she went on and on about how sick he was. If he's that sick he needs to be seen by a doctor, and for two, why are you going to come out and spread your germs? I mean I understand he wanted to be there, but I'm pregnant so if I get sick it's harmful to the baby as well, and I can't take any medicine, and then there's Cayden who's just a kid... It just irked me. Then Saturday we are on our way to the ultrasound when the place calls us. They're running behind 15 minutes. Which, is no big deal if it had actually been 15 minutes. An HOUR later we finally get to go back. Which by that time, Cayden is in desperate need of a nap, Jeremy and I and Cayden are super hungry, and everyone in general is just sick of waiting.

Cayden wants nothing to do with watching the ultrasound. And they have a little play area in the back for kids who don't want to watch, but Cayden at this point was so tired and so hungry that all he wanted to do was melt down - he didn't even want to eat the snack we brought, he just wanted to freak out. So I was distracted and couldn't really concentrate.

And then I saw the penis. We are having our second boy. It sounds horrible, but I was disappointed - I wanted a girl, and really felt like all signs pointed to a girl. The baby is healthy, and a baby, and that's all that matters, but I had just really planned for a girl, and well... He's not.

So then we leave, and I'm upset but OK, at least I thought I was. But then everyone keeps asking me... "Are you OK? Are you disappointed? Are you upset? What's wrong?" and I don't know if it's just me, but these question just tend to make me feel more emotional. So then I start to cry and I'm even more upset and it was just a wreck.

And of course, my in laws decide that THIS is a good time to ask my husband to take my father in law to the hospital.

I know this is going to make me sound like an asshole, but I'm over my father in law's health issues. I love him to death, I do. But I've said it before: I feel like... Why I care when he clearly doesn't? If he DID care, he'd take better care of himself, instead of stuffing himself with cheesy bacon fries and all that other crap. And I mean, I needed my husband at that point, and we still had a day full of plans. I was also being over emotional and selfish and damnit I just wanted him.

So my husband took my Father in law to the hospital, and while we had planned to have a nice lunch out, I didn't want too with Jeremy gone and my son having a meltdown, so I went with my Mom, we hit the drive thru and went to her house to lay Cayden down.

The rest of the day was kinda blah. We did get to go shopping, but we had less time then we thought and then Jeremy ended up elbowing me in the head really hard (it was an accident) so it hurt really badly... And we never did find out what was wrong with my Father in law. They said at first they thought it was congestive heart failure, but then it wasn't, so who knows? I just really wonder anymore if he's going to make it to the baby being born. And again, part of me feels really bad, and then the other part is really angry, like it's his own damn fault. But, to put the icing on the cake, I was going to put the ultrasound pictures up, and we cannot find them. I remember having them at my Mom's house and then... I dunno. I swore I put them in our diaper bag, but they're gone. And I feel horrible.

I'm more used to the idea of a boy now - the shock has worn off - and I realize how lucky I am to have a baby at all. The baby is healthy, though measuring a few days behind (which the tech said was normal - he may end up actually being a small baby, or his due date may just be off) His name will be Elijah, and if I find the pictures (hopefully I will!) I'll show you all just how adorable he is.


  1. Glad you're okay now with having a boy! The important fact is that he's healthy! And just think, Cayden will have a great little playmate and best friend!
    As for the family stuff, well, you're not alone. Everyone has the in-law issues, or issues with some in the family.
    I know that doesn't help much, but it is true!
    Hang in there and congrats on the baby!

  2. First of all, if you're "sorry you didn't write yesterday," I hope that sorry is to yourself and not to any readers, because this is your space to vent, be excited, whatever. No pressure!

    Also, I get what you mean about being a bit disappointed. I don't have kids yet, but my husband and I always wanted one of each as well. I'm the firstborn in my family, and I spent most of my life wishing I had an older brother, so a son and then a daughter is exactly what I want to. I guess I would be too, but it sounds like you're already starting to love your baby boy, yay! ^_^ Any reason for the name? (You just like it, he's named after family, etc.)

    A doctor-friend a while back told me that a lot of baby dates are wrong, because they never know exactly when the baby was conceived (& thus can't keep exact count of how old the baby is). Even if they could, babies all take different amounts of time growing (I guess kind of like how we all have different lifespans?) so the baby being small might not mean anything.

    It's kind of weird commenting with my real name haha I used to comment anonymously on your old blog, which as you probably figured, is why I follow this one. Is that kind of creepy? To have strangers feel like they know you?

  3. I always wanted a big brother, too! Then when I got married I thought, OK, I'll have a boy first and then a girl. Well, God decided differently and now T is a fantastic big sister to her little brother C. I think it's cool you're having two boys, and with them being just a couple (what 2...2 1/2?)years apart they will be able to play together. That's the best. You'll already have your own hand-me-downs and boy toys.

    Regarding the you ever get to have a day that is just about YOU??? It never seems to fail. I know we need to be flexible, and stuff, but every freakin time something comes up with them and they expect your husband to jump. I don't blame you for being frustrated. And your poor husband is, I'm sure, torn between caring for his parents and being with his own little family.
    I hope you've had a better week. Take care. mum

  4. Elijah was just the only boy's name I liked, lol. I dunno why I like it. It does have a nice meaning (which at the moment I can't recall) but I don't think we have any family members with that name.

    People also keep mentioning we can reuse Cayden's clothes... Which, we could, if I hadn't been stupid and given the majority of them away. I figured we'd have our girl. Plus I had a friend who had a baby 3 months after Cayden. So, we need clothes for the little guy. But, we're set on toys!

  5. I decided to check your blog here, sorry I forgot you were doing this one. Don't feel bad about being disappointed not having a girl. We all have our preferences and being preggers makes us a bit more emotional when we don't get our preference. It is great that we can find out the sex no adays. That way the shock and disappointment is over before the baby is born. And like the other said, you'll have 2 little boys close in age to fight errr play together. lol.
