Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hopefully this works...

I'm currently picking up someone elses internet connection - so hopefully I can type this out and post it before it cuts out on me!

People are having babies galore! It's hard not to be jealous. As I stated in the last post, on one hand, I want it to be my time. I can't wait to meet the little guy (or girl. Seeing as how we still don't know for sure! But I'll stick to calling the baby him, because I feel weird calling the baby 'it') But on the other hand, I am enjoying the time left - just the three of us. And I think Cayden senses it'll be coming to an end soon too. He's SUPER clingy to me, to a point where he doesn't even want to stay with my Mom, which is weird, because when he was younger? He'd pick mom over ANYONE - including me! He's a little clingy with Jeremy too, but it's mainly me. To the point where he's waking up in the middle of the night calling for me. Which stinks because he was starting to consistantly sleep through the night. I joke that he's just trying to prepare me for a newborn.

I did tell you guys that we don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl anymore, right? I can't remember anything anymore, and since my internet connection is spotty, sometimes things happen and by the time I get to post about them, I've forgotten about it. We went in for our 20 week scan, expecting it to be confirmed that the baby was a boy. But nope - the tech said "I see no boy parts." But she couldn't confirm girl either. Everyone keeps saying "Oh, well this means you can hope for your girl now!" But really, I am going INSANE and I just want to know! I always said that if we have a third (which is a big if!) since it'll definately be our last, we won't be finding out. But I don't know if I could do it! I think it's gotta be the worlds most awesome surprise, but I'm seriously going mad. I know it's dumb, because all in all, who cares? But I just feel like now I can't decorate because what if it turns out to be a girl? Then I've stuck her with a load of boy clothes, in a boy decorated room. I mean, obviously she won't know the difference, nor will she care, but I will! I think because I went with the mindset of finding out, because we haven't, I'm going nuts. I would LOVE to get another ultrasound, but we frankly don't have the 100 bucks to do it. Anyone want to loan me 100 bucks?

...Yeah, I didn't think so. So, we go back at the end of August because they also couldn't measure the baby's heart. So hopefully they'll tell me then. Because I think if they can't, then we'll just wind up not knowing till he/she gets here.

Cayden's pictures today turned out better than I expected, especially seeing as how he walked into the room crying! I wish we had more money, I'd like to order more prints, but we got the ones that were REALLY cute, so that's all that matters. Now we're gearing up for Cayden's second birthday party. How freaking crazy is that??? Two more months and he'll be two. Where did the time go? Can I get some of it back please? He's talking more and just... Such a little person. Of course, he scratched the crap out of his face before we got pictures - he always does that. But when we get them in, I'll have to scan them and post them. My son is adorable!

I think that's all that's been going on. We've been shopping for Cayden's birthday presents/Christmas presents. Since the baby is due beginning of December (and I'm fully expecting to go late) I want to be DONE with shopping so I don't have to go out super pregnant/with a newborn. Plus, as I've said a million times, we're broke, so we're trying to do a little at a time, and catch sales. So if you know of any sales - pass them on! The big one we hit up this weekend was Once Upon a Child (70% off their clearance, we got Cayden a shake and go car track with two cars for four bucks!!!) and Kmart (50% off their clearance - Elmo cars and we picked up his Elmo cuddle and care doll, which we'll give him when the baby is born as his big brother present!) If anyone is selling any Elmo things, sees any on sale, sees any other toys on sale, let me know!

Now onto pictures!


Baby bump from the top, where it actually looks like a bump.


Baby bump from the side, where it looks like I'm fat. Ignore the dumb look on my face and the creepy cat in the back, lol.


Cayden milking the fiberglass cow at COSI. He's concentrating super hard!


Cayden putting on my shoes and walking around the living room in them. Silly kid!


Cayden meeting his idol, Elmo.


My son, the DJ!


What a life! Not only did I dress him, but he gets to lay on the couch and eat doughnuts!

1 comment:

  1. this baby is adorable!!! i cant get over his cheecks!! my sisters are all grown up so we dont have cutie pie babies running around anymore! but the elmo craze was pretty serious.... you know what was worse though... telitubies! i swear that show brain washed my little sister.. she would point at random object and say "la la PO!!! " ya... creepy little things! lol
