Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New years...

To be honest, our new years eve kinda blew. But... I expected that. We weren't going out, I was tired and getting over a cold, and I couldn't even really drink at home since I'm breastfeeding. (I did have one glass of lambiq, and we toasted at midnight with a sip of champagne that was the grossest champagne I've ever had. And for anyone who gives me grief about drinking and breastfeeding - check out le lech's website, because it's safe if you moderate yourself - and I had the one glass at 4 in the afternoon and the sip at midnight.)

I have started my diet again, and I'm not doing so hot. It's just really hard to stick to this go around, but I'm really going to start giving it my all. I'm hoping to find time to work out. When, I don't know.

Resolutions always seem to leave a bad taste in people's mouths, mainly because they get broken so easily. So... I have goals.

1.) Be a better mom - I think I'm a pretty decent Mom when it comes to my kids, but when it comes to the more organizational side of being a mom (if that makes sense) I suck. I'm bad at cleaning, I'm horrible at being organized, I suck at keep schedules. I think we need to do this, especially with two kids. Plus, I'm hoping managing my time better will give me more time to be consistant with both blogs.

2.) Lose weight. This was my goal last year, and I lost 40 lbs. When I ended up pregnant I pretty much gained it all back, BUT 5 weeks post partum and doing practically nothing I'm down about 20 lbs. So. Hopefully starting this whole diet/exercise dealio will help me take more off.

That's pretty much it. Right now my resolution is to stop getting sick. I got over my cold and I know have... Uh, bathroom issues.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're feeling better! Give yourself time to get back into the diet, on that note congrats on the 20lbs!
