Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quick update

Been a little MIA - sorry bout that. Things have been hectic trying to get ready for Cayden's birthday and his party. And, I'm either starving or tired - I feel like I eat every hour and I'm starting to worry about weight gain. I've done well this whole pregnancy, I keep trying to tell myself that this is when the baby needs the extra calories, but it's hard. I could also be making better food choices when I eat, but I'm not, so that part's my fault.

Cayden's actual birthday went pretty well. I'll post pictures after his party so that everything is up at once. We took him in the morning to the Fire Museum, which he LOVED because he loves firetrucks, and then we took a nap and went out to dinner. Dinner was nice, but my MIL didn't show. She claimed to be "sick" which - anyone who knows my MIL stories knows this is her MO with things. On the one hand, I don't care. We had a REALLY nice dinner without her. On the other hand though, I'm like... Really? It's your Grandson's birthday and you're pulling this crap? The only people she's hurting are herself and her grandchild. I know she wasn't sick because on the way home she asked for my FIL to stop and get her Mexican. A.) If you've been vomiting all day, who the hell wants to eat mexican food? Rice - maybe. But I want something easy on my stomach, and Mexican is not. B.) If you've been throwing up all day, why are you going to go and spend 15 bucks on a meal that you most likely will puke back up anyway? It is a waste.

Whatever. The only other snag in the day was an almost snag - we ordered a cake for Cayden's birthday last week. We were supposed to pick it up Tuesday at 1. Cayden and I laid down for a nap, Jer went to go get the cake. Guess what? The guy who took the order never PLACED the order.

Luckily the person who was there offered to whip up a cake really fast - which was really nice, but I'm just kind of peeved that the order wasn't placed. I'm just glad we didn't go ahead and pay for it, because they probably would have made us pay again.

Anyway, I'm tired, and still hungry, lol, and I need to pull out all of Cayden's clothes to get rid of the ones that are out of season/don't fit. I promise, once this week is over you'll get a longer post and pictures of the festivities.

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