Needless to say, it was nice. It leads me to believe that he's going through a growth spurt, and I'm guessing he's about to "burst" in the talking area. He's been doing pretty well with single words - dog, cat, car, daddy, ect. But he hasn't really spoken in a sentence yet (besides hi dog, hi daddy, hi mommy, that sort of thing.)
Well yesterday he spoke two sentences, which shocked the crap out of me. First, since we're trying to potty train, I'm starting to ask him if he's pooped, or if he's wet, so he can start to associate the words with the feelings and tell me if he's wet. I smelled him yesterday, and sure enough, he had pooped.
Me: Cayden, did you poo poo?
Cayden: No.
Me: Did you poo poo?
Cayden: Smiles, shakes his head, NO!
Me: Cayden, I smell poo poo, did you poo poo!
Cayden: YESH! I did it!
I know, it may not seem like a lot, but it was the first time he's ever put a string of words together (besides gibberish). Then later we were at the park with my sister and her fiance, having a picnic. Cayden didn't want to eat, he wanted to go play, and my sister had him on her lap to hold him still while we ate. He very clearly looked at her, pointed to the park, and said "Me go bye"
Again, I know to most people it may seem like "wow, he's talking like a caveman, real big deal." But if your a parent... Or have a child who you're close too that you've been around since they were young or newborn, I think you probably get it. It is crazy to watch a child go from something that's very helpless and can basically do nothing but poop, eat, and cry, to something that can walk, run, and tell you what they want to eat and where they want to go.
On the one hand, I LOVE this stage. I love the fact that I don't have to guess if my son is hungry, because I can now say "you want a snack?" and if he does, he says "snack" and if he doesn't, he says no. But on the other hand, it just makes me realize all over again how fast they grow. In four months, my son will be 2 years old. How and when did that happen? He was just born! I blinked and he's now this little boy. I feel like if I blink again he's going to be a man.
Look how fast he grew:
6 months old. Only 6 months and look how much bigger he is!
That's his one year picture, again, a mere 6 months later and look at how he's grown.
Here he is, 20 months old, 8 months later, and he's walking, talking, running... All things he didn't do only 8 months ago.
They just grow so fast. I mean take the new baby:
I was measuring 6 weeks here, but was supposed to be almost 8 weeks along.
Two weeks later I went back. I'm measuring on back on track at 10 weeks:
Two weeks, and look how much that baby grew! I got back in 2 more weeks (four weeks total) to see if we can figure out the gender. I can't wait to see pictures and how much this little one has grown. I know pregnancy seems like an awful long time, but when you think it only takes 10 months to grow a baby? That's crazy.
Speaking of gender though, I'll probably be taking guesses on genders. We're really hoping for a girl, but of course, healthy is what matters. All the old wives tales seem to be pointing to girl, as well as heart rate, but you never know. I also took this test called the intelligender. I wasn't going to take it, it costs 35 dollars and while they claim they have an 80-90% accuracy rate, that was in lab tests, where they use urine from women who were 24 weeks pregnant. They tell you you can take it any time after your 10th week, but basically the longer you wait, the more accurate it's said to be. Anyway, wasn't worth the money to me, but my Mom bought one and begged me to take it.
We got a girl result. So, 2 more weeks, and we shall see :-)