Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It doesn't seem right to complain about pregnancy when I wanted to be pregnant so badly. But, it was mainly the end result I wanted - the baby. Don't get me wrong, there are things I LOVE about being pregnant, but there are definately things I could live without.

One of the biggest things I could do without? The whole argument I have with myself over whether or not something warrants a call to the doctor. What is probably a random bout with a stomach virus that you would normally just hang out in bed for a few days to treat suddenly becomes this big ordeal, and you wonder... What if it's something worse? What if something's wrong with the baby?

To give you totally too much information - I'm having really bad diarreah and just general stomach issues. I had it with Cayden, actually, and my doctor told me it had nothing to do with pregnancy. But, I think it does, and I was wondering if it was possibly IBS that for some reason only flares up in pregnancy. Yesterday, however, was definately something else. I couldn't eat, I couldn't drink, because it just hurt, and I would instantly have to go to the bathroom. We have friends in from out of town, and plans to go to the fair, so I toughed it out and went. Which, of course, sounds like a bad idea now, and I don't know why I did it, but I did. It ended up being about as much fun as I imagine a root canal would be, and then I came home and started throwing up.

I kept being sure that we'd head in to the hospital, and then talking myself out of it. Trust be told, I probably had a random stomach bug, and the heat of the fair probably didn't help matters. But still, there's a push and pull - it could be something worse. Suddenly it's not just yourself you're worried about, but this baby growing inside of you.

I wanted to call my doctor to see what I could take, if anything, but it was after hours, and since I go to a clinic they don't have an on call doctor, you have to call the hospitals on call doctor. I highly suspected that they would recommend me coming in.

Now, if I really felt like something was wrong, I would have. But I was pretty sure it was just a stomach bug. I was able to keep water down. Jeremy had to work the next day, I didn't want him up all night in the hospital with me just to be told I had the flu, and we didn't really have anyone to watch Cayden. But, it's still difficult, because you do worry - what if something is seriously wrong, and I'm just sitting at home like a dumbo?

However, I also kept feeling the baby move, so I was pretty sure he/she was fine.

I'm feeling much better this morning. Not 100% but I ate a bagel with little issue, so I think I was correct in assuming the stomach bug.

Let's see, what else? My sister got Pee-Wee's playhouse from the library, and Cayden is entranced. I, however, did not realize how sexual the show was. I watched it all the time as a kid, and didn't pick up on any of it, so I don't think Cayden will, and it's nothing HORRIBLE, just things that would probably never fly in a cartoon today. Like there's this lady who comes over all the time, and she does dress a little sexy, but not horrible. However, she flirts hardcore with any boy who shows up. In one episode the playhouse caught fire and a fireman shows up, and he talks about fire safety, and how you should have smoke alarms. She answers "I have a smoke alarm... In my bedroom... Above my bed"

Then in another episode, Pee-wee plays doctor with the mail lady. He says "oooh, I forgot to put on my mirrored headband" so he turns, picks it up, drops it on the floor, it's pointing straight up the mail lady's skirt. I don't know if that's what they were going for, but I couldn't think of any other reason why he would have dropped the thing.

That about sums up my life right now. I think I'm going to fix Cayden lunch and try to get him down for a nap, so I can take a nap.


  1. OH i know what you mean about cartoons and having seen a bit too much sexuality in them! i watch cartoons... okay not any more cuz my lil sis is like 10 so she watches family channel. and some of the content is a little... well... sexual? maybe not overtly but being an adult you see it. especially with disney movies! there are a few instances where i was like " was that scene necessary? kids wont get it so why put it in the movie?"

    good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!!

  2. I know what you mean about being a tad paranoid when PG. Even if it's not your second one, you think everything has to do with the baby. Glad you're feeling better today.

    I remember PeeWee's playhouse and I loved Miss Yvonne. I thought she was hysterical. I think the show had some adult content so as to interest grown-ups as well as kids. Shrek immediately comes to mind when I think of a "children's" movie that has subtle adult humor. mum

  3. I totally know what you mean about the paranoia during pregnancy. I called the doctor's office a lot; god bless the nurses who had to deal with me. What's stranger to me, though, is that even though I was the world's worst pregnant person, I now miss it. WTH?! It's so strange. I love, love, love having my baby, but I somehow also miss being pregnant. So strange. I blame the hormones.
    PS -- Plotting a slew of updates to my blog after the grandparents leave. I could so totally create an entire chapter on the in-law visit...
